Need help regarding lonely chick


In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2022
So after a series of unfortunate events, I had to bring a chick away from its mother and bring it inside with me. The chick was the only one to hatch from that nest, and no other eggs are close to hatching yet. The chick has a bald spot on its back where the mother kept pecking it and appears to have a twisted wing. It’ able to eat and drink and poop fine, with the only problem appearing to be that it’s lonely. It’s only a week old, and I’ve read that you can put day old chicks with week old chicks with no issues. I spoke with my dad regarding getting the chick a friend or two and he said that we’d talk tomorrow. I have given the chick a small teddy bear and a cartoonish chick plush because I heard it may help comfort orphaned chicks but it does not seem to help its loneliness.

I have some questions regarding this. Is it truly safe to put day old chicks with week old chicks, will any potential new chicks harm the current chick by pecking the bald spot or pull its wing, is there a way to prevent that outcome if it will happen, and is there any way to alleviate the chicks loneliness in other ways in case my dad chooses not to get more chicks?
:welcome Provide a mirror so that they chick can 'talk' to itself.
I looked all around and sadly we don’t have a handheld mirror or anything reflective enough to give to the chick. But I found chick videos to play for them, and it seems to have helped quite a bit. I can do that until we either get our hands on some chicks or a mirror. As long as they can see the chicks he seems to like it. He panics if there isn’t any video though so just playing chick sounds won’t help him. I guess if he can’t see the chicks he thinks he’s too far away from them.

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