Need help with nothern fowl mites


Bantam Queen
7 Years
Apr 28, 2016
New York
I discovered a little over a week ago that my bantams have northern fowl mites. Of all the years I've had chickens, I've never once had to deal with these, so I must admit, I'm panicking a little. I've already treated twice with Permethrin powder, but it's done nothing. The mites are still all over my poor chickens' vents and legs (they have feathered feet).
I'm going see if I can get the Martin's Pen and Poultry spray, but none of my local stores carry that, so I would have to order it online. But really I would like to find something I can use now, and not waste any more time. Are there any other treatments I can use?
Are you treating their housing too?
You should be able to find Permethrin concentrate at feed stores. Mix according to the booklet attached to the bottle.

Treat the housing in 5 day intervals along with the birds. You'll want to clean out your coop each time as well.


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