Need help.


Free Ranging
5 Years
Sep 22, 2018
One of our Rouens is not doing well. She was out supervised free ranging with the rest of them when something startled all of them. I checked the area and did not find a snake. She did lay an egg today but just wants to lay there now. Not even mealworms brought her out of the coop. I brought her in the house and put her in the tub with warm water. Her breathing is labored and she is keeping her tail down. My wife is on the way to the store to get calcium. Is there anything else we can do? Really confused because the came on suddenly. She has this stringy white stuff coming out of her vent. Two piles the size of my thumb and they look and feel like egg white.
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Update. Egg bound has nothing to do with it. She is bleeding out one of her nares. Breathing sounds like a tuba playing in the distance. We looked down her throat as best we could. @casportpony if you are around. Her nares are at least partially open shining a light through

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