need to figure out what kind of bannies i have


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jul 1, 2013
I was given these chickens for my 2yr son but dont know what kind of banny they are does anybody know what they are or could be?
I got these from a friend but know what kind they are i think the black and white are silver lace or silver sebright

I bought her at attwoods two weeks before easter this year along with the ones below which she is in the middle of

ok so here are some more photos

she looks like a minature amaracuana hen tuffts on her cheeks





golden sebright hen

silver seabright hen

silver seabright rooster
The blue one looks like a tiny blue Andalusian roo, do they come bantam where you are?
The fluffy black one with feathered feet looks like a black cochin?.
The brown and red one with its neck stretched out in the pick looks like a dark cornish maybe?
The one with the tufted cheeks looks like a bantam EE/Ameraucana, wonder about the red on the wings though that usually means rooster, How old are these, the four all look roosters? ...
I have some of the bantam EEs, adore them, nice little birds and lay the prettiest tiny blue/green eggs.
No idea on the two little game looking girls, that little almost millefleur looking one is adorable.
blue, black, white with tufts, small brown with white spots, dove colored were all bought at Easter all the others are a year or so all are hens except the blue rooster and the silver seabright rooster none are more than 6 to 12 in tall. i love them too they are actually my 2yr olds and i have a variety of sex links, ameracuanas, black astrolops. i have 37 chickens total and 3 baby chicks i hatched out about a month ago.
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The fifth one down in the second group of pics is definitely a black cochin. I have one and she is SUPER sweet and made a great mother. She's hatched every egg she has ever decided to sit on. She just hatched 5 beautiful babies on the 4th of July and is teaching them so well. I hope its a breed trait and yours gives you just as much joy!

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