need to know if this is a rooster or not???


9 Years
Nov 3, 2010
Kansas City Mo
ok so i know i have posted this a lot but tonight i let my chickens out in my yard and ran to the store and when i came back they where making this noise it was too loud for where i live , it was my 3 bigger ones that where making it, and just want to make sure they are not rooster because i can't have any where i live, if they aren't boys what would have made them make that noise??? i did have my pet bird outside in her cage and she can make all kinda of noise and maybe it freak them out or something ??? hope you guys can help and let me thanks

the black one in this picture is one i am asking about

the two brown ones


this is all the pictures i have of them,

could it have been there egg song this late at night??? or do you think something scared them so bad , i wish i was outside so i could have know
I can't see any roosters in those pics, but I know the egg song sounds like the predator alert to me. My girls will kick up that sort of noise if my cat is in the yard (he chases them).
I have a girl silkie that is a LOUD mouth. We can hear her in the house with all the windows closed. She is way louder then any rooster would be. Thankfully the neighbors think that they sound cool (since we live in town).

And, it is not the egg song or the alert call (scared) - it is because she likes to hear her own voice. Silly girl!

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