need your sexing opinions.


12 Years
Nov 28, 2007
Abilene, TX
Bought these 2 turkeys a few weeks ago, and still can't figure out if they are male or female.
I want one of each. The breed doesn't really matter as long as they can breed naturally. The
place I got them only offers st. run, so it's a crap shoot. the white is a royal palm, and the other
is a bourbon red. Tell me what sex you think they are.I can't tell yet. These are my first turkeys.





BTW. They don't like having their pictures taken.
I can't really tell from the pics, when they get a little older and loose some more fuzz around the head that will help. The hens will have feathers replace the fuzz the toms won't have anything grow back

On the BR you will be able to tell by the feathers - on the hens the edges of the feathers will have white edging the toms will have black. It will be a faint line on the feathers - it normally shows up best on the breast area.

Steve in NC

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