Needed! your thoughts on getting a goat

I am across the lake from you with similar weather. A lot of people over here use calf hutches for a shelter. A barn is even better. If they can get out of the wind that is the most important. Hay also helps keep them warm, digesting it heats them from the inside.
Here in a wooded area in Southern Ohio, the most important thing for their housing is that they are protected from predators. A three sided structure isn't going to keep them safe at night!
We defiantly are going to build them a little house to stay in at night, we have raccoons and coyotes, we have Chickens and Ducks and they get locked up at night and were going to put a big over hang on one side so they something to go under in the summer during the day if its to sunny and hot.

I was just wondering if the house needs to be insulated.
I am no expert on any animal...But I do have goats....

11 boar goat does(meat)
2 nubian does(dairy)
1 saanen doe(dairy)
1 toggenburg doe(dairy)
1 apline doe(dairy)
1 pygmy buck
3 pygmy does
3 pygmy buck kids
1 pygmy doe kid

I say GET GOATS!!!!! lol I absoluetly love having them. The pygmy's get out DAILY...they jump out of everything. But they are wonderful to watch walking around the yard. They go about they're day and then when ever they want they jump back in to the pot belly pigs pen, go into the barn, jump through the window opening in the pen, then walk the barn a bit and then jump back into they're own pen. It is a bit commical to watch, or even when and if someone happens to see them out they might stop and let me know--and pretty soon they are just amazed at how wonderful the goats are (here anyway). Our dairy and meat goats are wonderful too. they don't get out (well there was that one time---but my fence line was down)....OUr kids show the goats in 4-H also. This year one of the Nubian does got a 1st blue, and the pygmy buck kid got reserve grand champion(would of got grand champion but he wasn't mature enough yet).
They're are wonderful book out there that can help too. I have the complete collection of the 'Story's Guide to Raising____________" they also have other ones by Sue Weaver( ), she has wonderful books. Those are probably 2 of the sets I use most often for any questions. And don't forget to check out
I make sure the goats (well actually all our animals) have plenty of fresh water daily(year round), shelter to go into (the barn), they all have they're own mineral/salt blocks (goats, horses, sheep, etc. etc.) they have plenty of hay when pasture isn't plush, and I do give grains, but at a minimual amount. The does get a little more when prego, or nursing. Other than that the grains are not given daily until colder weather. They are on free choice pasture otherwise.
All my animals seem pretty happy. None have complained yet, (well other than that fact that some don't have mates

I live in WI (Northern part) so shelter during the winter is very very important. All teh animals share the barn (it used to be a dairy barn that we converted into spaces for other animals.). The goats, sheep, llamas, and horses all run together and have a majority of the barn. The potbelly pigs, chickens (all the birds) feeder pigs, and rabbits all have they're own areas too with indoor/outdoor access 24/7 year round.

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