Neighbors loose horses...ignored our info...


11 Years
Apr 2, 2008
So, we have some neighbors we aren't too close to, but do drive by once in a while.

A week ago, I saw one of their horses pop a board (old cruddy board fence with rails on the WRONG SIDE) as he leant over to get grass over the fence.
I thought "They could benefit for a bit of hotwire"
Well, driving home that SAME DAY my husband BARELY missed those horses in the dark at 55 MPH WITH THE KIDS, horses playing in the road, 400 yrds from their home.
I got one back with a halter and lead I keep in the car (I have horses too) and the other followed but kept a distance. Turns out they popped the fence boards out and just went through.

We let them know that their horses nearly killed us, to which they replied, "Oh really? Well, they've gotten out before, no problems yet."
We leave in disgust.

Driving past today, the boards are popped again.
I'm ticked... not ONLY because they don't give a crap that their horses, pastured 5 feet from the road, get out, but they already HAVE INSULATORS and posts set up to keep these horses off the fence. They just need a fencer and wire.

I think it's time to call the sheriff and ask him to talk some sense into these "free-rangers" before they take someone out. 1200 pounds of hoof can kill a carful, no problem.
I lost a valued riding horse because the stable owner didn't check her fencing. Sure, she had a handy man but he wasn't doing his job. Two horses got hit in one night, one died, it was horrible. Poor Legend had to be put down [I'll spare gorey details]. Needless to say the drunk driver walked away [she was doing over 80 when she came up on the horses]. The barn manager was fired on the spot when he showed up and walked RIGHT TO the hole in the fence that he 'repaired'. I know not all situations are the same, but I've seen too many horses dead because of improper fence maintenance and too many people badly injured or killed by hitting horses

Some horse owners need to be smacked a good one, I think, when they do things like that to put their horses at risk. I walk my fences weekly to check for spots... they don't seem to mind when their horses are almost hit.

It's sickening. ugh. Sorry and glad you are O.K.!
Glad you guys are ok. Luckily you did miss the horses.

Call the sheriff's department immediately. I know about a guy that struck a horse and was trapped in his car wating for rescue. People have been killed hitting both horses and cattle.
Make out a report because, heaven forbid, you or your hubby or someone else hit's one some night it has documented that they had been out before.

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