Nesting boxes

Mine are a little high, about 4 feet from the ground - but I have hay bales set up like stairs in front of the nest boxes. They seem to be ok with that arrangement, haven't had any complaints.
The only "rule" for nest height is lower than perches.

After that, do what works best for you.

For broodies, on the ground is best.

For fat and awkward hens, low is good.

But I have 1 nest box that is 4 feet up, no perch in front and it is a short wide box (it hangs from under the high poop shelf, and was originally placed there when I had bantams in that coop that loved to fly).

That coop is now just standard sized poultry, and my Leghorns love that high up little box.
Mine are 18 inches off the floor, so it doesn't take away from floor space.

inside coop.jpg

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