nesting boxes


8 Years
Mar 3, 2011
ok well i just bought 20 new laying hens and they are laying there eggs on the floor how can i get them to lay in the nesting boxes
Collect the ones on the floor as often as you can. You can put some fake eggs in the nest box to encourage them to lay there, or perhaps leave some of the real ones in the nest box over night. I still have one hen who insists on laying her egg on the floor of the coop right in front of the nest box
I wouldn't leave the real eggs in there but I would leave the fake eggs in the boxes. You don't want them eating their eggs. I had a snake get in my coop one night & ate a fake egg .
i have tryed golfballs as fake eggs but nothing works i have them in with my 30 older hens and they all lay eggs in the nest
I want to know answer, too!!
One of my hen used to laying eggs in the nesting box then started laying on the floor.
So one nice sunny day, I kept open coop door (normally I just open little chicken door) so I thought it's too bright to lay egg on the floor.
THEN found out she started laying eggs in the bush next to the coop

A few weeks of rainy days might change her habit I thought... But she still lay eggs in the bush.

How I can make her go back to nesting box!!!!!

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