Nesting pads in brooder?


Feb 19, 2024
Northwest Ohio
I just saw an advertisement for “brooder pads” which look just like nesting pads for the coop. Has anyone had experience putting nesting pads in the brooder for the floor/bedding then taking them out to clean and replacing? Seems like it would not clean very well but figured I’d ask!
The brooder pads I'm thinking of are like heating pads and are hand washable. Is this that or something different?

Nesting pads are some 12" x 12" plastic yellow things I bought and tried and gave up using and just went with horse bedding pellets in their nests for less maintenance. Some of these silkie hens sleep in the nest boxes so pellets seem to be the least work.
Feel like it would be a bigger pain to clean then just normal bedding
I agree, plus, it would wind up being more costly. $1 per pad x say 4 hen boxes, for us they'd be dirty in a week. You could maybe brush some poo off, but then here we go with me and my plastic ones that I didn't like for that very reason -- pain in the butt!

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