Netting Chicken wire?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 5, 2009
Central Ore. -Cowgirl Country
Do any of you use overhead protection. We live in Central Oregon in desert country and we have loads of hawks and owls all year. I want to put up some overhead protection in my coop/run I am building. What do you use? How long will the overhead netting last with UV damage? How does chicken wire hold up? Won't it be awfully heavy to cover an area?
Would appreciate input on this.
Newby Hen'nbiddies
I put chicken wire over mine. We use 2x2s from post to post and across from post to post. We actually build a frame for the wire to be attached too. In heavy snow areas I don't know if that would work. We have hawks here that would love one of my white hens for their brood. I have two runs. One is 17'x12' the other in progress will be 34'x12'. If you have a rise to put the house on it will help. The run should be below the house not above( another mistake I made when starting out). I hope this helps you some. Others on here will also help I am sure. Welcome to BYC. Jean
Thanks for letting me know what you use.
We are in the Willamette Valley so we usually dont get much we used bird netting on top. Its light weight. I wonder though if shiny ribbons strung across would work too.
I use overhead protection on all of my runs, I worry about critters clawing their way ti the top, up over and BAM their in. I use poultry netting on top, I run it over long 2x4's for support. I have never had a problem I figure better safe than sorry.
We use cargo netting over our run to keep the girls from flying out, though they havne't het been so inclined. I'd think it would keep a hawk out, as the raptor would have a tough time flying through it to get out.
I don't have raptor problems because of my dogs but I'm wondering if something low to the ground (2 foot) or less might work? I have some pallets stacked in the field for hay and saw a few hens run and hide under them when a hawk flew over. Wooden pallets or something more pleasing to the eye perhaps? Hawks are pretty awkward on the ground and a chicken can outrun them walking, so any kind of low ground cover would be of benefit. perhaps netting that would allow sunshine in and grass to grow under it? Just thinking???

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