
Once you get rid of the rejects maybe you will be ready for this huge golden cuckoo Marans boy I got from Kirstie :lol: I am keeping his younger brother to use over my GCM pullets. He is very gentle and sweet, but is at that hormomal stage where he has started grabbing the girls. .
I live him! He reminds me of Greg so much but definitely has a lot more gold than Greg did at that age. I love him!!! <3
Wow, serious smoke! It looked pretty bad over here, but not as bad as that pic!

BTW, I got officially accepted as a blogger for the poultry magazine I mentioned. So if anyone would like to guest blog for me, I would love that. Two people contacted me already. It is NOT a paid gig, even for me. I don't get a dime out of it. But you are allowed to mention organizations you're in to get them a little more publicity. (I'll be mentioning on my blog bio that I authored a few works, to get the name out there.) If you want to write up a guest blog post or two, PM me. I can edit them if writing isn't your talent. Pictures are very, very welcome.
P.S... I can't say the name of the magazine or blog on here, but I'd be happy to give you info over PM. Ron, I would especially love to publish something about how you built your chicken fort!
Wow, that would be cool! My only problem is the time required to do it. But hey, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time... Let me work on it some. How long are the blog posts supposed to be?

I've got two dirt bag roosters that could use some freezer camp if you're interested!
ROTFLMAO - "dirt bag roosters"!!!

I don't know what's up but I haven't received a notification in a week! BTW has anyone heard from SunnyDawn lately?
Wow, that would be cool! My only problem is the time required to do it. But hey, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time... Let me work on it some. How long are the blog posts supposed to be?

I don't know what's up but I haven't received a notification in a week! BTW has anyone heard from SunnyDawn lately?

The magazine would like blog posts between 300-1000 words long. And you can write it and give it to me, and I'll keep it until I need it. The site isn't even up for the magazine yet, since the magazine is still working out the bugs and the contracts.

I saw SunnyDawn on Tuesday. I can't say on here what she's doing this weekend, but it's a good reason to be offline. They're doing great.

Aubrey, I just saw your post. We could probably take them in a couple of weeks. The boys are going to Scout camp all week, and this Saturday I have to be online for a good 4 hours for my author focus day. But after next weekend, we should be fine for a couple of weeks.
I live him! He reminds me of Greg so much but definitely has a lot more gold than Greg did at that age. I love him!!! <3
If you want him, he's yours
He does have a couple of things you should know about . . he does have angel wing on one side (I have seen this clear up as they get older) and he has a strange crow. It is abrupt and short, which sounds awkward, but he is young. He is around 16 weeks old.

If anyone else is interested in some dark egg layers, I have 2 golden cuckoo Marans pullets that are culls because they have yellow legs. They are 14 weeks old. Beautiful, confident, smart breed.

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If I can get my other two naughty roosters out of here then I would like very much to take him. Maybe even the girls too. I just have no clue how I would get them :/
Good morning! This is not chicken-related, so I'll make it short. I'm doing a 4-hour author focus event on Facebook, where I talk about my work and do a cover reveal for my book. If you're interested in checking it out, send me a PM and I will send you the link. Thanks!
Finally cleaned out the coop this morning. So nice looking in there now with fresh shavings. Laila had a friend from kindergarten over today. Her mom and I were chatting and I was showing her the coop and run. She lives on 13 acres in antelope valley and is thinking about getting chickens. I encouraged her to go for it. I would be dangerous with 13 acres to play with!
Good morning! This is not chicken-related, so I'll make it short. I'm doing a 4-hour author focus event on Facebook, where I talk about my work and do a cover reveal for my book. If you're interested in checking it out, send me a PM and I will send you the link. Thanks!
the cover looks great!

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