New and need advice.


Wow where to start....

I have a catalog from Murray McMurray Hatchery an 06' one. It indecates you can order individuals of various types. The amount you are asking for. But it may have changed. But double check the website. They ship out in March but you would have to see the availablity of the type of Chickens you wish to purchase. If you want an assortment Bargain they have that but it needs to be 25 order for that. but again check that site and others if needed.

Keeping the chicks in a safe place away from the dogs. Infact the box they are shipped in will be a great way to show them the new smell of chick babies, if they are not accustomed to chickens. Maybe a doggy fence to a certain room you don't mind sharing with the baby chooks. So you can keep them safe. Have a lamp and you can use a ex-large dog crate with cardboard on the bottom high enough so they don't escape. But a plastic tube with chicken wire and a lamp will do fine too.

Having the dogs on leash to see if the will chase or leave the birds at peace is a good way to indecate the pups actions, from a safe distance/behind the wire. Dogs can get along with chickens if they get to know them and teach them to, "Leave it." training might be in order let them know the boundries of the birds. I was Watching Dog Whisperer. But don't try this unless there is a trained professional.

Also when you have time after work or on day's off work on the coop. cause the little fluffs will grow in no time flat. Where you will need to have the cage all done so they can grow out and get used to the weather after they can maintain their own body heat.

I hope this Helps..
You could do an order for the amount you want but some might include male chicks to keep the shipment warm from what I read.
I would either go to the feed store and pick up the amount of chicks you want. Or just do a min( 25) order of some chicks you would like and sell the extras you didnt want to keep. I did this and found that there was a big demand and didnt have any trouble selling my extras, although I did raise them past the brooder stage, 5 to 6 weeks old.
Thanks for all the advice. The coop would only be a weekend project. So If I get chicks shipped in for April, we should have enough of a break in the weather to get coop and yard ready. When they are big enough to go outside should I keep them confined in coop untill full grown or let them out in fenced area but not let them free range till they are full grown?
I personally don't let them free range until after they get used to laying in the next box, otherwise every day will be an Easter egg hunt. If the run is confined/safe they can go out in the run right away.
Welcome, from Maybee.
Check craigslist for Ann Arbor, Detroit and Toledo. Lots of locals post their extras. is only a few hours south and the shipping is very reasonable.

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