New and thinking of chickens in Los Angeles

Hi cranky - and Welcome from Oklahoma! I am delighted that you are considering getting some clucks - you will LOVE them. I also saw the Eglu info online a couple of years ago, and that is what got me interested in keeping clucks in the city. The Eglu proved too pricey for me, but I still got the clucks, and this year raising a new little flock. I am certain you will enjoy the experience of raising chickens! Goody for you - and continued luck in convincing your DH that it's a great idea.
Hi Cranky, from Riverside, just a hoot and a holler from you! Good thing he is getting on board with the chicken thing. Once you get them he will be hooked! Chickens are the best!\\
Welcome fellow SoCaler! You will love having chickens. I am amazed and awed when I get all of these eggs each day for the small price of food and board. (once the coop was built) I love having eggs to offer to friends and family and eggs to give away without even thinking about it.

I feel the same way about my lemons. I have lemon trees with prolific amounts of lemons nearly year round and I am appalled when I see the price I would have to pay if I wanted to use lemon in my meals!

Again Welcome! Keep us posted as you move into chicken hood!
Hello and may I suggest looking into and trying bantams before the larger breeds. The size throws people off also, remember its not always wise to broadcast to the local neighbors that you have chickens....

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