New babie chicks dying


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 9, 2010
westford, MA

My hens are outside in their hen house and three of them have been sitting on a ton of eggs even though it has not reached over 30 degrees (N. England) wether. HOWEVER, four hatched.
One died because it escaped and I found it in the run the next day (fixed that problem)
One died about a week later (noticed one of the hens picking at it when trying to eat (maybe it new something was wrong with the chick)
Two are alive and still doing well - born on St Payy's day.

My question is within the past week, two more hatched in with the three hens sitting on this pile of eggs and with the two new chicks (born st. patty's day) but died. I found one in with them that I though initially was poop and the other one I found on the other side of the coop (seperated with a half wall) but with I think no head. I didn;t check that side for a few days so it could have been there a few days..

So, okay here is the question...given the chicks are not that old - three weeks (they are bantams by the way) can I still have these other chicks hatch in with the hens and two/three week old chicks or are they killing these baby chicks? Im not sure how I would seperate them as there are about 15 eggs and all three hens are sitting on this pile and the new chicks need the mom(s) for warmth (v. cold still here in Mass.)

I would apprciate any recommendations. It is disheartening to see these chicks dying.

Thank you so much!!
If you want them to survive for sure, you'll probably need to bring them in the house and put them in a brooder. Your hens may be good at sitting on eggs but may not be great mothers.

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