New babies


In the Brooder
Feb 20, 2024
Well, I think this is my introduction. I have a quarter-acre pond on my one-acre neighborhood lot. Various ducks have come and gone throughout the years. Last May a mama Muscovy duck showed up with her 12 babies on my pond. They were gradually reduced to 4. When those 4 were almost grown, mama disappeared. Now one of those babies has been nesting in my front yard flowerbed, and her babies have hatched, I thought yesterday, but they seem to be too feathered. But it’s the first time I have seen mama away from the nest, and I have been checking every day. The best I could count, there were at least 19 babies. Today there are only 5 babies in the nest, and I don’t see mama anywhere. Would she have possibly left the nest with the rest? I do not want to encourage them to stay because the ducks and 2-4 Egyptian geese that have been hanging out are really messing up my pond. But I want the remaining babies to have a fair chance. And maybe mama will come back. I did buy some duckling and gosling starter food and it should arrive from Amazon today. Whether mama comes back or not, should I throw some of the starter food out for them? What about water? I’m in the Houston, Tx area. Right now the temperature is 78, but it will go down to 58 tonight. Will the babies be alright? I have no clue about what to do with them if mama doesn’t return, and I have no equipment for them. I do not want to make them. I could let nature take its course, but that’s hard for me. Help me, please!!! Sorry this so long.


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Can you call a waterfowl rehabber and see if they will take them, if mama doesn't come back they don't stand a chance predators will most likely get them. You could feed them and place a bowl of water out for them but not deep becasue newly hatched ducklings can drown. Since they are newly hatched they will need warmer temps at night that is where Mama would come in they would snuggle up to her for warmth . Your best bet if you don't want to make up a brooder and take care of them is to call a waterfowl rehabber DNR may be able to help you with that.
I can try to take the five to her tomorrow, but that will make about 25 babies. Can she sit on that many and keep them warm?
that would be sad if she has more than she can care for and has to choose to let some die. thats horrible I would do whatever I can to take care of the rejected ones
have you called any wildlife rescues

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