New buttonquail raiser, possible broken leg with one chick.

Feb 24, 2024
Recently I dropped my buttonquail chick and since then, he's been sprawling his leg out. He's (I'm assuming it's male since he's darker than the other two), only 5 days old and seems to get around on one leg. I can't tell if his leg is broken or dislocated at the joint. The other two chicks started picking on him and pecking at his leg. I put him in a container with his own water and crumble in the brooder where the others can't get to him. How can I help him heal from this? I did see this rubber band type things on Amazon called hobble braces. Would those help? Any advice is appreciated!


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I'm sorry about your little one, they are so tiny aren't they!

Personally, I'd cull the chick. If it's been several days and you've been unable to correct the leg, then likely you will not be able to. A dropped chick often doesn't make it, I'm sorry.

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