New chick with one eye?


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
Hi everyone,

I'm new to chickens and new here. I have goats so livestock isnt new. I started hatching chicks yesterday... the first one cane last night late. I noticed this morning that it only had one eye open. I'm not sure if there is eye or not. Its strong otherwise- walking, flapping wings and peeping.

Just wondering if any chicken experts have any suggestions on what to do.
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Is there a way you can examine the chick more closely? It may just have an eye stuck closed from hatching and some "goo" has dried around the eye. You may have to gently try to open the eye after wetting it with a moist towel and see if that helps.
He is dry now so I got him out and wiped his eye with a warm, wet cloth. It seemed to help some. I know this can happen with new goats sometimes but I wasn't sure about chickens. Should I keep working on his eye?
Moisture will help get that "goo" out of the way so he/she can open and close the eye properly. I'm glad there is an eye there. I have had them hatch with only one eye as a result of a poor breeding program.

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