new chicken owner

ello terry ,,,if i was you i would get a coop built quite soon,,,12 chickens is a lot,,ive got 4 ,,
3 hens and a cock,, i would also get rid of the boys as soon as you find out what sex theyare,,you might get attached like me,,i keep telling my wife that ill get rid of him as soon as he starts crowing,,well that time has come,,as my neighbour very kindly told me,so,do i eat him?? or let him free?? any way good luck mate,,
4 X 2 X 2 pen will only house 2 hens when they are grown. Each hen will require 4 square feet of space each. If they are bantams you can get away with a few more
I had recieved 13 baby chicks on Oct. 19th and they were eating more then a quart of feed a day. My chicks have just turned around 4 1/2 weeks old and they have just about cleaned up there first 50lbs of feed it will probable be gone in the next few days. You really need to get a coop built cause they just seem to out grow boxs and brooder cages way to fast.
I hope I haven't gotten myself into more than I intended. I am getting a little concerned with 12 chickens. I willl have to "thin" my flock as soon as I can tell male from female!
Maybe even get a bigger feeder, or more quart sized ones. With 1 chicken, they can go through it in 2 days, with 2 chickens, they can go through a quart in 1 day. But this is around 9-10 weeks old. At least, my chickens did.
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Depending on the breed, it may take quite a few weeks before ou know the sex. I thought i had 12 pullets (hens) until one started crowing, well, as you will learn on here hens can crow. So that was at 12 weeks she (he) started that behavior. It wasn't til last week that i knew for sure that she was a he. They'll be 19 weeks tomorrow and are getting really big. Do you know what kind of chickens ou have?

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