Apr 14, 2024
Hampton Roads, Virginia
First time chicken Mom, here.
After loads of research (and yet I'll never know enough), I picked up three E.E.s and three Black Copper Marans yesterday (and yes, I now know I missed the 's' in my handle, but I'm considering changing my name entirely, so I'll fix it when I get my ideal name picked out). I'm considering getting two Sapphire Gems, but that would put me over our allowed limit. I've been trying to explain Chicken Math to my husband, but he literally IS a mathematician, and I have dyscalculia (a learning disability with numbers), so... Yeah, no. 😄
..and no, the irony has not escaped me. 😏
'What are my favorite aspects of raising backyard chickens?' 🤔
That would be not having to fight with the crazy price of eggs (hopefully) for a while, having pretty eggs (yes, I know, first world problems) but moreso, having FRESH eggs for our family & occasionally our neighbors. Oh! Also, having mini garbage disposals who will eat some of the kitchen scraps so I don't feel guilty throwing them in the garbage.. and yes, I'm planning on researching the heck out of what is and what is not safe for them to eat, Before I give it to them. Right now, they're too little.
I'm originally from S.E. Alaska, and with that many hours of dark in the winter, you drink, you go a little crazy, or you craft. I'm crazy crafty. I also love to work on our yard and garden (16 rosebushes & counting). My husband is a brilliant, handsome & handy Clemson S.C. man.
We are admittedly big-time geeks in our early 50s. Our five kids are mostly grown, but we're always glad to hear from them & enjoy their visits when they can make it home.
Besides said chickens and my son's cat from heck, we've got two dogs. Shadow is 74 lbs of Drama Queen Staffordshire Terrier, and Pepper is 13 lbs of Spoiled Rotten Morkie (Maltese/Yorkie). I've been working on getting them desensitized from & accustomed to the chicks since bringing the chicks home.
I found BYC while looking up a million chicken-related questions.
Pepper, my three year old, 13 lb Maltese/Yorkie/Gremlin.


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