New chicks dying


Apr 26, 2020
Chicks were on sale at the local Farm supply store, picked up 4. Then picked up 4 more from another local farm supply store. They are about 1-2 weeks old. We have had them for 4 days. One by one, they are dying. One minute they are normal eating and drinking chicks and in a few hours, gone. We have lost 3 of 8. We have been diligent (twice a day) pasty butt inspection and cleaning. Husband thinks they are eating the pine shavings. I think it's something else.
The breeds are Black Austrolorp, Isa Brown that are gone. Any ideas?
I would recommend putting newspaper or a bed sheet over the shavings until about day 5 or 7,

It could be the temperature, or it could also just be a faulty breed.

The birds could also be choking on the feed itself, I recommend a crumble feed instead of pellets until about week 2, if you don't have a crumble feed and wanna save some money, you could crush up the feed before putting it into your feeders.

I do however believe its the bedding.
I've never had chick death (besides sudden death syndrome) while having a layer over shavers and having them on crumble feed.
Are you giving Chick grit? Trying adding water to chick starter. When you say you are cleaning pasty butt, is this re-occurring?

Above questions are very important for troubleshooting:

What are you using for brooder and heat source?
Feeding what?
How's the temp in the brooder?
What are the symptoms before passing?
Photo of your setup would be nice.
Chicks were on sale at the local Farm supply store, picked up 4. Then picked up 4 more from another local farm supply store. They are about 1-2 weeks old. We have had them for 4 days. One by one, they are dying. One minute they are normal eating and drinking chicks and in a few hours, gone. We have lost 3 of 8. We have been diligent (twice a day) pasty butt inspection and cleaning. Husband thinks they are eating the pine shavings. I think it's something else.
The breeds are Black Austrolorp, Isa Brown that are gone. Any ideas?
Temp is 95 degrees F. Not feeding grit, they are too young (?), Just started today, pre/probiotic and electrolytes in water. Have now covered shavings.
Temp is 95 degrees F. Not feeding grit, they are too young (?), Just started today, pre/probiotic and electrolytes in water. Have now covered shavings.
Are they laying flat, panting or hanging out at the border/walls of the brooder. I think your heat is too high. They need a way to get out of the heat. A cool and warm zone..... I DO offer a small bowl of chick grit at this age and therefore I don't worry about them eating pine shavings.

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