new chicks!!!

one more has faded and died, another two are not looking good. I have them separated and under heat lamp - giving them water with electrolytes/vitamins mixed in (a supplement for sick birds that I have for my finches) every hour or so. I'm giving the rest of the chicks the same - what I'm thinking now is - they came in a box with no water or food source - yesterday - Monday - when did they send these babies? Not on Easter Sunday - on Saturday? Good Friday? I hope they didn't send them on Thursday - which would mean they had been in the box with no water for 4+ days. Even if they did send them Saturday it was 48 hours with no water. That can't be good for newly hatched chicks. Not happy, hate to see chicks dying.

I am so sorry about your chicks. Call MM for sure about them, they will refund you. What is interesting about this is that I was expecting an order of chicks from MM this weekend too. Monday they called and told me they had a bad hatch and would not be sending my chicks until next weekend. I am not sure what a "bad hatch" means. I was pretty upset. I have had other problems with them recently and wont be ordering chicks from them again.

Do you have all of the chicks under a heat lamp or just the ones that don't look good?
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I think we've all done the equivilant of a recovered drunk walking into a bar!
I dont think that is normal at all....however I have only had one shipment and it was for 34 chicks, 4 being turkeys, and they have all done really well. Had some concern with the turkeys (they didnt eat at first) and one bantom, but after eyedropper of water she/ he is doing very well, and the turkeys have finally figured it out (didnt realize they were so dumb)
For sure call and get a sorry
I'm sorry about your chickies.
It just makes me shake my head and sigh.

I have heard good things and bad about MM. I dont have any experience with ordering through them, but I do have some first hand experience at their shipping procedures, and I didnt like what I saw.

We ordered our 25 chicks from Sun Ray Chick Hatchery 5 weeks ago today. They shipped us 30 chicks. They taped the sides of the box to keep drafts out, and put warm shredded paper bedding in the box. They shipped them overnight, and I had them the next day from several states away.

When we got to the PO, there were other boxes of poultry for other people. Three boxes were from MM, one was from our local feed store, and then my box. In one of the MM boxes (the PO guy was opening them because he didnt hear anything, so I got to be nosey...only it wasnt good
) there were chicks, ducklings, and poults. All but a few were dead. In another box (all chicks) most were dead, and the live ones didnt look like theyd be alive very long.
In the third box there were poults, goslings, ducklings, and chicks. The goslings were pecking at the chicks, and none looked good at all. Alot of dead there too. In all three boxes, all the holes were wide open with no draft protection, and they had very little bedding in the boxes. It was so sad.

Of my chicks, one chick had been crushed (I think) in the box, and two more ended up passing within the first hour or so. Then we were left with 27 healthy peeps, and all are still well today.

Thats not to say anything bad about MM, just they could watch the weather for the states they are shipping to or something. Anyway, I would call them and make them refund your losses. I am so sorry you had to watch your chickies die.
Hopefully, they'll own up to the "bad hatch" and credit you as they should. Keep up posted. Good luck with your remaining chickies.
Not to chime in with bad news, but I got mine yesterday from McMurray, and only 12 of my order of 29 have made it thus far, with one still teetering on the brink and another I'm keeping close watch on.

I'm not sure if it was the weather or what, but I fear they've been in the mail since Saturday. *wince*
Out of the order of 28, 3 were dead on arrival, and at this time I have 10 live chicks and 4 more alive but struggling. So I guess I'll be calling McMurray - I'd rather have the chicks I was looking forward to though, instead of a refund. Wish they would let me re-order, but their minimum 25 makes that impossible.


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