New Egg Layers-- Need Addvice!!

Country Grits

7 Years
Mar 19, 2012
I my first group of hens has just started laying-- however the hens are not so happy with me taking their eggs and are trying to "hide " there nesting areas-- they are allowed to free range and I am fearful of having to search for eggs!! NEED HELP!!!! And of course their coop is like a Hilton-- we call it the Hen Hotel!!-- Thanks!!!
Everyone finds their own methods, but, here's my practice, FWIW. I put point of lay pullets through a training period and it normally "takes" for the rest of their days. I don't allow POL pullets free ranging until 4 in the afternoon. They still get 4 to 6 hours of good free time, but the long period of confinement allows them to hone their loyalty to the nests I provide. I also start pullets out in boxes set right on the floor. I do sometimes use golf balls as a cue. They learn quickly. Usually within three weeks, all have mastered their lessons and I watch to see if they return to the barn and to their nests to lay. I don't "trust" them until I've seen them all either lay before being let out, or faithfully return to the nests during the day. Hope that helps.

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