New Egg needs advice on rooster selection for my flock?? *pics wanted*


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 29, 2009
East Texas I started this chicken adventure with no intentions of ever having a rooster in my flock. I only wanted a few eggs for the table. That turned into 16 various chickens free-ranging on our 13 acres and 4 ducks on our pond. The number of chickens has reduced to 12 due to predation. ANYWAY, my Silkie has turned out to be a roo and I have been watching him try to mate with the bigger ladies and I am now warming to the idea of having a rooster after reading all the various posts here on BYC. I have SLW, BO, EE, RIR, BP, NN & SS. What would be a good overall roo for these ladies? Do any of you have any suggestions. The goal is any possible offspring to be good egg-layers. So far I have been considering Delaware, Austrolorp, Welsummer, Wyandotte, Java or Minorca. Any thoughts or advice is appreciated.
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I say a Delaware or the Wyandotte. I have had both and enjoyed then. Plus they are both quite colorful and should produce nice offspring that will lay well for you. I must say I lean more to the Wyandotte side just a out of personal preferance
I have an "accidental" SLW Roo who's coming on 2 years old now and I absolutely love him. He's good to the girls, completely non-aggressive with me, and as a bonus he's beautiful. I've never had a moment where I wished I hadn't kept him. In fact, I got him two more SLW girls this year and hope to hatch some out in the spring.
We had an Orpington Rooster, who was amazing. Smartest chicken we ever had, and loved to be held. We gave him away, as we only have laying hens, and don't hatch any. The lady we gave him too, said he is the best rooster she ever had. Protects his ladies. He was a a very handsome guy. Keith
I'd suggest Brahmas, known as the 'gentle giants', sweet personality and non-aggressive, and due to their size, tend to keep hawks away- i'd stay away from Barred Rocks, unless from a breeder you know, since they can be aggressive...
Thanks for the advice. Do any of you have pictures of crosses of the same type of hens as I have...then tell me what kind of roo produced the cross???

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