Announcement New Feature: User Group Icons That Are Clickable

The PFM one looks a little 'off'. Having a transparent background and making the eagles wing properly fit into the badge may help :)
Agrees...maybe scale em down?.....and don't need the 'no ads' thing on there, you'll find that out when you click.

Staff page is rather old, but maybe it's all still valid?
Other links look good.

Overall, they look great!
Much better than the the previous design.
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This is something that's been requested a few times, so with the help of our awesome Premium Feather Members, we've come up with new clickable user group icons!

Here's what they used to look like:
View attachment 1542889

... and you can see the new versions by glancing at your fellow BYC member's "postbit" (the area with their username, avatar, etc.)

We hope you like these as they are, but we're open to any suggestions and ideas that are made by consensus ;)

I think they look great as are and look forward to having them some day. :)
Oh, if you're on a desktop computer, you can mouse-over the icon and it will say what it is. :)
Screen Shot 2018-09-25 at 9.06.04 AM.png

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