New hen won't leave the coop in the morning!


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 17, 2014
We introduced a new single hen to our existing brood of three hens. All are the same ages (five months) and size. Our new gal was introduced in a secure area during the day, then put in at night to sleep with the original three. It has only been four days, things are going well, just one original hen is showing who is boss but there is no physical pecking. There are multiple points of food, water, shelter with plenty of space. The strange thing is that when the coop door opens at 7:01 am (automatically) our new hen stays behind by herself on the roosting bar. Today I removed her at 8:30 am.... I have never seen a chicken that isn't literally standing by the door waiting for it to open. They file out in the morning like soldiers! The girls are all free to go in and out at will until the door closes after dusk. Any chicken psychologists out there that can clue me in?
p.s. We thought we'd be bringing two new girls home together, but one turned out to be a roo.
I usually let my chickens out at around 9:00 in the morning (I have coyotes so by mid morning they've stopped hunting).

Once I opened the coop door at 7 o'clock and more than half of them just sat there on roost, I too put them with the ones who had gotten out and they were fine.

If she isn't showing any signs of sickness, she is probably fine. Best wishes! :)
She might be older than you think? Only reason I am saying that is my Stripes, is staying the roost longer and she is my oldest chicken. More than likely, she is just new, and will adjust soon.
I appreciate your answers so much and I love the humor in the chicken owner world :) Thank you.
p.s. She is young, I had the fertilized eggs shipped to my mom-in-law and one of her hens hatched her!

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