New here (mommy of 11 very spoiled duckies)


In the Brooder
Jan 30, 2024
Hi everyone!!

I'm what I guess most would consider still fairly new at being a duck mommy being that my Saxony duck (Poseidon King) and my crested duck (Eminem) will barely be turning 2 this July, but I am having so so much fun!! I have 11 in all so the messes can get pretty icky, but the love and joy that they provide makes it all infinitely worth it. I never knew I could love something so little so much (now I really sound like a mom 😆 lol)

About my little ones...

Poseidon is a gorgeous Saxony drake who is what one could only describe a "very arrogant little man" 😂.

Eminem...when I went to tractor supply to get my duckies and first saw Eminem duck it was love at first sight. He was tiny and yellow and he hadn't quite grown into his (now graceful and lovely) wings, so he kind of looked like he was wearing a jacket with sleeves just a little too long. I had already selected another duck, but when I saw Em a smile lit up my face and I told the employee "I need this duck!" the rest is history. His personality reminds me exactly of the bird from that cartoon called Up 😆

Then there is Roi Grandeur my gorgeous alpha Pekin and Theodore (also a gorgeous Pekin) who is so adorable that he still looks like a duckling but much bigger and with white feathers instead of yellow. He has the cutest face and he is so sweet

Onyx Storm Majesty (my stunning black swedish/Cayuga mix drake) and Pharaoh (my adorable petite khaki Campbell girl) were in the brooder together and are still inseparable. Onyx takes care of Pharaoh like a little sister

Sergey, Kingsley, Freddie, Ami and Dari make up "Rouen Gang" (my mischievous Rouen duckies who I just adore)

Anyway I joined for advice as a new duckommy but also to meet like minded individuals as I'm sure that my boyfriend and friends tire of hearing about ducks all the time 🙄😁 but I love to talk about my duckies lol

I am Danielle by the way I should have started with that. Also I write stories and comics inspired by you guessed it...ducks 😂😂. Anyone else do that? It would be AMAZING to meet others who also write similar pieces so we could share our work with one another and maybe even collaborate


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