New member from Florida


In the Brooder
Apr 27, 2019
Hello all! I live in Sarasota, Florida and am new to raising chickens but very excited. I have wanted to raise chickens for a few years now and my husband is finally on board! We just bought our first chicks March 31, 2019 and have become kind of obsessed with them. We now have 22! I am now referred to as “the crazy chicken lady” because OMG that is a lot of chickens, we just could not help ourselves, so here we are! We bought more each weekend during the month of April to get to this number... it is like it was an addiction. Every time we went to tractor supply we would buy a few more...

I am not 100% sure what all of my baby chicks are but according to the signs they had on their brooders we have some Americanas, buff orphingtons, Black sex links, speckled sussex, Leghorns, polish, a silkie, and a few others that I am just not sure of. We did buy some “straight runs” so I am trying to guess every day what they are. Which is what brought me to this AMAZING forum!

My favorite part of raising backyard chickens is they are so entertaining and personable. I sit outside every day after work and take the older ones out to play in the run we built and they play and bathe. The Americanas will climb up my legs and snuggle on my chest, wanting me to pet them and then fall asleep. My house is certainly going to hell because I am outside with chickens whenever I can be, thus the housework is not getting done as often as it should... (oops)...

I have 2 teenage kids at home and they are completely different from one another. My 15 year old son is a gamer and completely introverted, while my 14 year old daughter is an athlete who plays travel softball and is bored being inside (BTW she is obsessed with our chicks too). We have a 15 year old cat (who doesn’t even know we have chickens from what I can tell, she is so uninterested). We also have 3 old English bulldogges (not the smooshed face ones). One of the girls is VERY interested in them and very protective of their brooder boxes.

When we bought the chicks I felt very uneducated about what to do and how to take care of them, even after researching how and what to do online. Then I came across your site and it seemed that every question I googled your site had a post about it. I normally don’t join forums and just read and move on but I have found so much useful information I had to join and will be posting a lot of “stupid” questions I am sure. :D
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
You are a chicken addict for sure! House work has it's place. Who cares if the house is perfect. Chicken enjoyment is good for the soul.
You will never post a stupid question. No one comes into a new hobby knowing EVERYTHING. You have to ask to learn.
Congratulations on your ever growing flock! You must have a large coop to house them all.
Also, not that it really matters, but your Ameraucanas are likely Easter eggers if you got them from a farm store. I have 4 of them myself.

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