New member from Glendale, AZ


Eggstactic for Pretty Eggs
15 Years
Dec 8, 2008
Glendale, AZ
What a great site! I've been lurking and gathering so much information from these boards and have finally made the plunge to join. We live in the city with almost 1/2 an acre and have 11 chicks - 2 barred rocks, 1 production red, 3 easter eggers, 2 barnevelders, & 3 white leghorns. We had wanted about 8 or 9 hens and purchased a couple extra in case any of our chicks turned out to be roosters.
Mary Ann

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What a gorgeous flock you have! I'm in Kingman, with a flock of ten Buff Orps, five Lt. Brahmas, three Silver Laced Wyandottes, and two Speckled Sussex pullets, all presided over by a Silver Laced cockerel.
It sounds like I don't need to tell you how useful and how much fun this community is. Glad you're on board!

My parents live in Glendale - I visited them once - in July a few years ago when I was 5 months pregnant. I was just a bit warm

Your flock looks gorgeous! You'll have a rainbow of eggs when all your girls start laying!
Thanks for the friendly welcome notes. I am hoping for rainbow eggs (brown, white, blue or green, & even dark brown?), but I've heard some EE's lay brown eggs instead of the blue or green and that the barnevelders here in the US don't lay the dark brown eggs like they were originally bred to, so I guess we'll find out. We'll still love our chickens no matter what color they lay.
Hi Mary Ann,
I am in AZ, too, not far from you. Your girls are gorgeous! We also have 11. One did turn out to be a rooster. Ooops! I thought we would want to get rid of him right away, but we really enjoy him. He is NOT friendly, but is very respectful. The neighbors don't mind - so far, and his crowing is really quite a nice thing to hear during the day. It isn't as loud as I thought it would be.

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