New member intro


7 Years
Jun 13, 2012
New Castle, VA
I'm Cathy Sizer from VA, owner/breeder of Sizer Farm dark egg layers. My website is I'm in the NPIP and my flock is also AI free. I will also add M. Gallicepticum testing in a month.

My breeding focus is many faceted. I want to breed for a dark-egg laying chicken who will lay nearly year-round with a short break. I don't like stingy layers. I don't expect an egg a day, but my chickens are bred to lay about an egg every other day, on average, year 'round. I also like a large-framed rooster which I can butcher and get a decent amount of meat from. I have found that my current breeding of mostly welsummer with a touch of marans fits the bill both in frame and flavor. I like roosters who aren't mean, and chickens who range but not too far off. Only complaint I have about my current hens is that they aren't always great about laying in the nest boxes. They want to lay on the henhouse floor at times. But if that's my only complaint, I feel like I'm doing good.

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