New Member-searching for a adult female duck to partner with my 4 year old female duck


In the Brooder
May 10, 2024
I stumbled upon your community page while searching the past few days for a female duck to partner with my 4-year-old Peking duck. Her name is Ming-Ming. She and her female partner were raised together from babies and were a bonded pair. Something got my Black Swedish Duck Deliah on Tuesday and Ming-Ming must have seen it as she is already depressed and not thriving well from the trauma of witnessing her partner being killed.

I am speculating it was most likely a hawk or possibly an owl. I have a fenced-in yard/6-foot wood privacy fence and they also go into a secure enclosure each evening and let out in the mornings. The girls have been doing well and no health issues.

I live in Ashville, Ohio.

If anyone has an adult female duck available that I could partner with my girl please let me know. I have put a mirror in her habitat so she can see herself. Was hoping it would help her with her loneliness. They are our pets and it's heartbreaking to have lost one.

Deliah knew her name, and enjoyed sneaking fresh tomatoes from the garden and eating home-grown watermelons in the summers along with pets and cuddles. She was not as talkative, broody or sassy as her sister Ming-Ming. However, with what happened Ming is greatly subdued.

Thank you,


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