New Member!

Hey all, my names Tosha. I’m a nurse, single mom of two, and now became a part of the chicken raising club. The last 6 months have been very interesting to say the least. We started out with 6 chicks from our local TSC, they were all supposed to be female… well two ended up being roosters. So we made the best of life’s lemons and made lemonade- we got ourselves an incubator abd we are in the process of (hopefully) hatching some baby chicks. But I’m here to gain knowledge, tricks, tips, ect so I can be the best chicken mama I can be.
Welcome to BYC!
Do you have extra thermometers in your bator?
Did you buy another humidity gauge to salt test before you set the eggs?
Welcome to BYC!
Do you have extra thermometers in your bator?
Did you buy another humidity gauge to salt test before you set the eggs?
I bought an extra thermometer that also gives the humidity on it and I keep it at egg level. As far as salt test, I haven’t read anything about that in the hours of research I’ve done😑, can you please explain what it is, or possibly point me in the direction of where I could find information about on this. Also, thank you for the warm welcome, and I appreciate any information I can get!
Do you have extra thermometers in your bator?
Did you buy another humidity gauge to salt test before you set the eggs?
Hi Tosha and welcome to BYC. This link may help you navigate the site - “How to...” guides

Chat with other BYC members nearby using the links in my signature, below (turn your phone to landscape to see them).Make yourself at home and enjoy the forums.

Best wishes

Pork Pie
Thank you very much! I’ve already learned a ton, and plan to learn more 😊

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