New Member


In the Brooder
Aug 22, 2023
I am a new member, that's not new to raising Gamebirds (Bobwhite Quail, Chukars, etc.), but I am new to raising Coturnix Quail. I am picking up 5 adult Jumbo Whites today and have about 16 eggs going into lockdown at the end of this week (also Jumbo White's from two different sellers on eBay). I have this idea for raising a Quail similar to the Broiler Chicken (obviously a little smaller, but same concept) so any tips and advice would be appreciated!
The goal is to raise a bird that is a minimum of 22oz at 12 weeks of age and consistently lays eggs greater than 16 grams without the use of hormones or steroids. The bird should be dominantly white plumage with little to no brown feathers and is healthy with strong legs.

What feed would you recommend? medicated vs non medicated?
How would you mix up genetics? Birds will be organized by different color bands (eBay seller 1=red, eBay seller 2=green, etc)
Should I do 1 Rooster from the red group with 3 hens from the green group?

Still need to add lights, feeders, waterers and more hardware cloth to the pen, but hopefully this will work!
I'll be adding plastic mats to the pens, but the floors are vinyl coated mesh so that should help with their feet.
They won't be spending their entire lives in here, outside of breeding they'll be moved to an aviary or my rabbit hutch style pens.


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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Good luck with all your Quail projects, Quail are so much fun to keep! I would definitely cover the pens in the photo with hardware cloth, the floor as well, everything eats Quail and all sorts of things can squeeze in there, reach paws in or slither in. Definitely stop by our Quail forums too!

Make yourself at home here and welcome to our community!
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Good luck with all your Quail projects, Quail are so much fun to keep! I would definitely cover the pens in the photo with hardware cloth, the floor as well, everything eats Quail and all sorts of things can squeeze in there, reach paws in or slither in. Definitely stop by our Quail forums too!

Make yourself at home here and welcome to our community!
Thank you! I will definitely check out the forum, the sides and bottoms are all covered in 1/4” hardware cloth, I’m working on big swinging doors that will be made of hardware cloth so I can enclose the fronts at night.

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