New member


7 Years
Mar 23, 2012
I am a new mom to five two week old pullets I purchased at a local farm supply store. I know three of them are Road Island Reds, not sure about the other two they where with assorted chicks and where very cute to me. I am a nurse in the ICU here in Jonesboro, Arkansas, just watching the chicks outside is so relaxing for me, I can't wait til their older. My children are grown and married and have their own lives now so I guess I feel the need to care for something else. We have three dogs one is a Maltese and she believes she is mom to these chicks. She watches them and responds to every loud peep and they follow her when their in the cage. The other two dogs are small and don't pay much attention to them.I hope to start my coop next week we have had such pretty weather in between the rains.
I have already learned a lot from this site and I have a lot more to learn I'm sure.

Chicks are so much fun and are so entertaining. I love to just sit and listen to them chirp happily. One thing I have learned and love about BYC, is that ANY question that I have had, some one else has already asked! I can spend hours a day on this site typing in random questions and then reading thru pages and pages of responses. Enjoy your new babies

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