New Member


9 Years
Apr 5, 2015
Appleton, MN
Hi! My name is Lisa and I've been married 21 years and I have two teenage boys and chickens are new to me. They are 3 weeks old tomorrow. It was an adjustment at having a new baby times 10. I didn't sleep much the first night as I was worried that they were too hot/cold but now things are settling down. I brought them home without a plan of where to house them. We built a chicken coop very fast out of old lumber from the barn and chicken fencing...they are still in my basement as I live in Minnesota and spring can't decide if it wants to come so it's still to cold to put them out. I have 3 Barred Rock and 7 Easter Eggers....the tag said Ameraucana but when I researched they looked like EE's?? I'm hoping I have more hens then roosters, can anyone tell?

Thank you!
Welcome to BYC! Please make yourself at home and we are here to help.

Those are some very cute chicks! They do look like EEs. A lot of times, chicks labeled as Ameraucanas are actually EEs.

I remember being nervous the first few nights with my chicks too! Us chicken keepers sure love our chicks!

We are glad to have you!
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. Your chicks are definitely EEs as opposed to true Ameraucanas. Our EEs are my granddaughter's (pictured in my avatar) favorites. She loves their colored eggs. Your chicks are a little too young to sex yet with any real accuracy, but if you will post profile pics of them on our What Breed or Gender is This? section at, our experts there can probably sex them for you there then. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your chicks.

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