New old member back with the chickens.


7 Years
Aug 15, 2016
Howdy ya’ll!

Been a long time away. Looks like my last post here was back in 2020 so I thought I’d re-introduce ya’ll to the new birds.

I got rid of all the birds a couple years ago (No worries, they went to a fellow hobbyist not the frying pan). I just needed a break for a while.
So about 4-5 months ago I got the bug again and decided to get some eggs. I found a local hatchery and picked up 20ish eggs and hatched them myself. 18 chicks popped out! And only 4 roosters. So I’ve got to find a home for 3 as I just want to keep 1.

Anyway, I rebuilt the chicken run with sturdy 4x4’s in concrete and welded wire fence. Something that will last a lot longer than the chicken wire I had before. Didn’t do anything to the coop itself new as it’s pretty well set up just fine for the chickens. But I do want to build an outdoor shelter so they can be outside on the hot days out of the sun and rain. I also want to add a feeder of sorts so I can keep them with food all the time, grit, and oyster shell.

So here I am again, looking forward to getting new ideas from ya’ll!

Here’s some pics!






Glad to meet you, Jason. that is a nice coop, and a sturdy run, for sure. If your posts are tall enough, you could just run some 2X4s across the posts as far out as you want to be rafters for a roof for your run. Or I see a lot of folks using cattle panels curved to make a half hoop, then you could attach a tarp or other covering over the top.

What a nice flock you have, and didn't you get an amazingly low rooster ratio. Good luck rehoming those extras. Welcome back to BYC! Best wishes with your new flock and all your plans!
I love it when a coop gets a break and then back to action! I was gone for almost 10years and so happy to see BYC Survived without me including a few old timers I remember from way back in 2009! While I was gone however "Poop boards" became all the rage and I see you have them! I probably need my own thread "Poop boards changed my life," because they have!!! So welcome back! Your coop is very cool! Looking forward to seeing pics of your flock!

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