New Project! NN Sumatras


12 Years
Nov 15, 2011
New Market, TN
I just got a couple of Showgirl bantams last week. I am going to cross them with my bantam Sumatras. I am trying to create a purple skinned naked neck Sumatra. I will work on getting rid of the feathered legs in a few generations. I want to get the purple skin and the naked neck gene into my sumatras and go from there.
Very interesting project idea. Hope you keep us updated with pictures
Well the showgirls I thought were pullets turned out to be cockerels. I am still going to cross them with my 2 black sumatra bantam pullets. I still have not gotten any eggs from them yet. They are 8 months old now. I threw a dark cornish hen in with them too to see what I will get out of that cross. I will post pics when I hatch some out.
Here are my breeding birds for the project.

the sumatra pullets still have not started laying yet. I am keeping my fingers crossed that they will soon.

Here is the first Naked Neck chick hatched out. It is the Dark Cornish cross. My Sumatra pullets
refuse to lay any eggs. I hope they lay alot come spring time.

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