New Quail Owner!


Jul 27, 2023
Hi fellow feathery flock!

I recently got five quail chicks from a local farmer and Im very excited about them!

Maybe a little too excited. I bought them for eggs but I also want to tame them so they aren't afraid of me. I have read different opinions about how to tame quail from being still around them to handling them daily from a young age. I'm pretty sure they are all coturnix, and they're all female. I don't want to scare them so they never become tame. I've had all of them eat out of my hand at least once, and I know one of them seems more inclined to come to me than the others (and another seems to be untamable and very suspicious of me and doesn't want anything to do with me). Anyone have any advice?
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Quail tend to be flighty birds, however of all the Quail species, Coturnix are the more friendly ones. Definitely handle them a lot as babies, and you will need to continually handle them the rest of their lives. They revert back easily to being wild again very quickly without daily handling. Stop by our Quail forums as well for any help you may need or just want to share stories and photos...

Enjoy your babies!

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