New to BYC- Waterfowl Family in Western Kentucky


Feb 11, 2019
Kentucky Lake, Kentucky
Hi. We are Shannon & Wendy J. :)
Our kids are either furry or feathered, sometimes both depending on play time that day :D
We live south-western Kentucky, near TVA, Kentucky Lakes & Tennessee.
We have a small flock of Pekin ducks. :jumpy
Our oldest drake, TooShort, dominates our 7 bulldogs with his bold personality! These 80+ lb bullies tuck their tails and run when he gives chase!

We plan to add some chickens to the family this spring.

Mostly, we are here for suggestions, medical help & remedies.

Finding it hard to locate new ducks when needed, and we don't know any locals who raise ducks.

Thanks for all the posts and suggestions we have read so far. :thumbsup

Right now, we are in desperate need of a few more female ducks, as our males are now outnumbering the females.... and it is causing aggression:he, fights and a couple of sad, wounded boy ducks without mates!!
--We would take in or buy any type of female ducks, from one or two to a few. Once our #s are rounded out, we won't mind taking in orphaned ducks needing homes in the midwest, within an hour or so of us here @ ZIP code = 42071.--
Thanks!! SJ + WJ
Hi! Welcome to BYC! Here is a link to find your state thread in the forums, so you can look for people near you that may have ducks.

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