New to BYC


11 Years
Jan 17, 2009
Hi there,

My name is Peggy and I live in Southeastern Michigan. I just purchased a new home that has a fairly large (10x10) chicken pen in the back yard. It is covered with a wooden roof and the back and part of two sides are wood and the rest is fenced in. I have never owned livestock of any kind before and I like the idea of having chickens for fresh eggs and maybe for food. I was just wondering, due to our very cold winters and fairly hot summers, which breed of chicken would be best for a rookie like me to raise. Let me state also, that the pen is located on the back part of 2 1/2 acres in an area of all pine trees, so it is pretty shaded and protected.

Also, does anyone have a preference on which breeder is best for getting chicks? Should I use one close to my home or are online breeders OK to use? What is the best time of year to get chicks? I want to keep a fairly small flock(?) at first until I get some experience so how many chicks would be good to order?

I appreciate any and all input. Thanks, Peggy
from another Michigander.

Glad to have you here!

You might enjoy checking out the Breeds area of the forum. That's the best place to research and discuss what types of chickens you might like to have. Another place to start would be our Michigan thread. You can ask other Michiganders what chickens they've had luck with.

This community is very welcoming and open to new members, so please feel free to jump right in the conversation!

See you around!
Hello from PA
Nice to meet you Peggy!
I got my first chickens last spring from Ideal Poultry and have been very happy with them. From my reading here it seems all the big hatcheries have satisfied customers as well as some reports of bad experiences. I waited till April to receive my chicks because temps are a huge factor as to whether your shipment will arrive in good health. When browsing the hatchery sites be sure to read all the descriptions of each breed, I seem to recall reading there are some that do better in cold weather (laying) however if you have adequate shelter I can't imagine any breed would be unable to live in MI
Don't forget about the search is your friend lol.
Also when I started out on this site (several months before I ordered my girls) I just tried to read all I could in the raising chicks/ building coops/ diseases, emergencies/ and egg laying & behavior areas....I had answers to questions before I actually knew I had questions lol. Once the girls arrived, due to my research I knew what to expect and recognized many of the behaviors they displayed and was able to handle situations before they became problems.

Happy Reading!
Welcome Peggy,

I was also new to all of this, but love it and thoroughly enjoy my eggs and the whole thing of having my chickens in my garden.


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