New to forum. Duck Mom.


5 Years
Feb 1, 2019
Hi. New to this. Please forgive me if I am posting in wrong place.

I live in Fayetteville, GA with my husband and mother. I am a homemaker and make natural soap.

I've been visiting this site for about a year now to learn about chickens & ducks. Had been contemplating getting some. Last Sept. my hubby and I rescued 2 pekin ducklings that had been dumped at a pond. Raising these two up has been a real learning experience. Wouldn't trade it for the world. Never knew how spoiled duckies could be or how much we'd love them.

Last Friday our female suddenly died. Now we have a very lonely 5 month old drake. He's despondent, not eating much and losing weight. Very worried about him. Not having much luck finding another duck.

Was hoping we might find help on this forum. 20190112_171026-1.jpg Thanks.
Welcome to BYC. I wish it was under happier circumstances. First things first, I think you need to visit the medical/emergencies forum and try to figure out what caused your duck's death. It would be a shame to buy a new duck only for it to come down with a disease, so ruling that out would be wise. Here is a link to that forum:

Best of luck.

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