New to group/trying to get off to a good start


9 Years
Aug 11, 2010
Mt. Spokane, WA
Hi. My name is Mandi and I live "up in the boonies" in North Eastern WA, near Mt. Spokane. I have quiet a few breeds of chickens, they are definitely an addiction. I am trying to get a few more of some of the breeds I raise so that I can raise higher quality birds more consistantly. It was a HORRIBLE winter up here with predators ripping my chicken houses to shreds and killing my stock, don't worry, the pelts of those said predators are very pretty tanned... now we're just trying to decide what we're going to do with them... rugs... wall hangings... the choices we have....

So, now that I have the opportunity, I am trying to find mostly trio's to add, but would definitely be interested in hatching eggs from good reputable breeders. Problem is, I don;'t ahve ANY access to the internet at home, and I am only in town MAYBE once a week! Yup, I live pretty far up the mountain! LOL

I have the following:

BC Marans (would RATHER have Blue Copper, but was fortunate to get some good BC stock so I "settled")
Blue Laced Red Wyandotte (I only have hens right now)
Black & Blue Cochin Bantams
Black and Blue Silkies
Lemon Blue OEGB Roo
Dun/Fawn/Chocolate (whatever) OEGB pullets (2)
a pair of Black OEGB

My MAIN interests right now are the OEGB (Lemon Blues, Blues), Cochins and the BLRW.

If anyone has info that could be of assistance to me I would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you so much!!

~ Mandi
from Oklahoma!!

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