New to incubating Bourbon Red turkey eggs


Mar 26, 2023
Central Indiana
Few questions, and I'll try to keep it simple to follow lol

My friend has a red bourbon turkey who is laying eggs and she'd like me to try to incubate them. I did some chicken eggs for her last year, no issues in a broody lol

I've tried to scour the site for information and am having issues.

1) time of incubation?
One says 28, somewhere said 30?

2) temperature/humidity
Have read 99.5 for forced air and 50, but to drop to 30 during lockdown?

(Which when is lockdown?)

3) I have a 12 egg kebonnix incubator with auto rotater. got for this past holiday season, haven't used it but have test ran it, can change days and temp.

4) anything else other than it's a crapshoot? Lol

Thank you!!!
1) time of incubation?
One says 28, somewhere said 30?
Normal is 28 days. Mine tend to hatch on day 27.
2) temperature/humidity
Have read 99.5 for forced air and 50, but to drop to 30 during lockdown?
30 t0 40% humidity during incubation. Raise to 65% to 70% for lockdown.
(Which when is lockdown?)
Day 25.

Make sure you check the temperature with a calibrated thermometer. Use a salt calibrated hygrometer to check the humidity.

Run the incubator with the vents open. To increase the humidity, increase the surface area of the water. To decrease the humidity, decrease the surface area of the water.

FYI, they are Bourbon Reds.

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