New to quail... Wanting other new birds also...

bird sitter

7 Years
Aug 21, 2012
The great state of Texas!
Ok, Im going to pick up some quail eggs tomorrow. I'm new to the quail so anything I need to know? What do I feed them? Caging? Breeding techniques? Anything!

I'm also wanting to know if i have suitable caging or housing for turkeys and emus. I might possibly get some around next summer!

How do you cage emus!? What is their purpose? I know a turkeys purpose! :p

Emus need 6 ft high strong wire fence and an open shed for sleeping, if they wish, but some may stay outdoors over night in Summer, if big bushes about their paddock to sleep under.
Mine all stayed in at night all summer lol. Spoiled rotten....on straw or hay beds lol

Quail ?? they fly, so need kept under wire, just chick crumbs and if you have an Iviary, they love living in a little house on the floor, cleaning up all waste from the birds. lol They breed very well.

Purpose of Emu ?? just simply a lot of pleasure and great Pets.

Turkeys ?? mine are just for pleasure and eggs to boil for my Emu and Rhea Chicks, my dog does not bark when visitors turn up, but George and Trudy make a lot of noise, non stop lol she laid 175 eggs this summer, her 1st year....egg machine lol

They can live with the Rheas in daytime, but put in at night, in case a Fox about lol
My friend lost 3 Rheas over 1 yr old, to fox....but mine are ok, my Llama is there to guard them.


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Turkeys can fly from about 5-6 months on, if they want, would fly away lol normally where they 1st were , when little chicks, like my girl Trudy did. They are very friendly and always follow me around, want to come in my house... very noisy when someone turns up, no need for a Dog. lol
You need to clip ONE wing, just the outer feathers, no life in it.
Good luck,

There is an Ostrich Farm in our local area. They sell meat at the local Market, have bought some once...... and it is lovely....tres goofy too.
I guess we all have to eat...and probably healthier then some other meat today.

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I have some quail and u r welcome to them, we are asking $2 each chick, they are 3 days old. I have 21 coturnix and button quail. I am in the Brampton area.

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