With regards to washing, I agree with @Ridgerunner - a clean bird is regarded better if possible.

For washing, try to use a low sudsing wash- way easier to wash and rinse your birds. Also, low to no fragrance. Birds respiratory systems are sensitive, so fragrances are to be used with caution.

When we wash at the fair, we bring two tubs, one for soapy water, one to rinse. Two people are helpful, but not required. With meat birds it is less of an issue bc they are less active. We found a low sudsing dish soap in the baby aisle at Walmart. No fragrance, marketed to washing baby bottles and related items. But we tried out a few options bc some washing products are not as easy to rinse out ( like Johnson’s baby shampoo -weirdly enough).

Once washed we wrap in an old towel to soak up the excess water. We blow dry with a hair dryer, focusing between legs and under wings, two areas that don’t get a lot of air circulation. Basically, we dry them enough to keep them from getting chilled- it’s more of an issue with more heavily feathered breeds, and meat chickens are not heavily feathered and lack a lot of the fluff other chickens have. The chickens actually like the hair dryer - at least every chicken we’ve washed and dried!
That’s amazing! How did you get them used to not being scared of being washed and blow dryed? I fear mine might be nervous. Also, what soap did you use for washing?

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