New to the crew!


In the Brooder
Jun 10, 2023

I have always wanted to raise chickens since I was a kid and saw all the 4-H kids doing it. I'm finally living my dream at 28!

We have a group of 5 baby chicks that we picked up at a local feed store and are going on week 3 with them. I apologize in advance for any spelling errors but we have a Cuckoo Maran, Salmon Faverelle, Rhode Island Red, Easter Egger, and a Cream Legbar.

My partner and I live at 9,000ft elevation in the Colorado mountains. So will definitely be looking for forums with any advice on how to raise happy chicks up here!

This website has already been a go to resource since day one so I'm excited to officially be part of the group!


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Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Nice variety of breeds you keep! We are up in the mountains at 7,000 in New Mexico. I am sure you see big temp changes from day to night. Your birds will adapt. Make sure to incorporate good ventilation in your coop eaves, frost bite can happen in our cold temps. All the humid air from the pooping and breathing needs to go up and out even on the coldest of nights. You might stop by your state thread of Colorado and chat with your neighbors on your climate...

Welcome to our community!

I have always wanted to raise chickens since I was a kid and saw all the 4-H kids doing it. I'm finally living my dream at 28!

We have a group of 5 baby chicks that we picked up at a local feed store and are going on week 3 with them. I apologize in advance for any spelling errors but we have a Cuckoo Maran, Salmon Faverelle, Rhode Island Red, Easter Egger, and a Cream Legbar.

My partner and I live at 9,000ft elevation in the Colorado mountains. So will definitely be looking for forums with any advice on how to raise happy chicks up here!

This website has already been a go to resource since day one so I'm excited to officially be part of the group!
Welcome to BYC!!

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