New to the group


In the Brooder
May 8, 2019
Hi Everyone! My name is Marlene and I am new to the group along with being a new chicken mama. I have 7 girls. I had 8 but one died on my birthday in a freak storm. We also have a 13 year Puggle. I am hoping to be able to get more chickens in the future once I get through the first year of having them. I did buy them as chicks and right now they are 8 1/2 weeks old. I can't wait to start getting eggs from them and I am already researching plans to build a bigger coop/run if anyone has any suggestions. What I am using now is one we put together from Tractor Supply and I really want them to have more room. I was going to free range them during the day but we lots of hawks around so I am now afraid too hence, want to build a bigger coop/run! As bad as it might sound, I dont know what breed my chickens are. I was so excited about getting them, I forgot what the tag said!

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