New to the quail questions.


13 Years
Nov 24, 2009
So, I acquired the quail as eggs for trade. Some quick reading and I learned some. The thing is from looking at pictures I believe them to be Coturnix. With that I counted 12 hens and 14 roosters right at 6weeks of age. So, I should cut the roos down to about 3? How should I select which roos to keep for a healthy stock? How long do they really live? How old is too old to put on the table? or too young? What is the best type of water that is not automatic? I currently use a one gallon chick waterer. I also use those metal chick feeders. They are off the ground. They do have a place to dust bath. I don't keep any of my chickens with them. I have read that they like to hide, but I don't have that setup. Any other helpful information would be greatly appreciated also.
I don't have alot of quail. It seems they have been in demand this year and i'm down to 4 hens and a rooster. I have 6 chicks right now that i'm keeping on the down-low and a dozen in the bator. This is my second year with quail. I keep the cortunix 4 hens to a roo. If I had another roo I would separate the hens and give each roo 2 hens. My fertility is 50% right now. Not good.

So I suggest you put a trio in separate pens. For fertility reasons.
The best water containers are the rabbit nipple bottles. They always have fresh water and can't poop in it.
I make a feder where there is little to no waste. It's made out of am empty gallon bleach jug. If you would like to see how to make one just email me and i'll send it to you.
There are other ways to avoid waste of feed. You can cut a PVC pipe in half length-wise and attach it to the ourside of your quails pens so they have to stick their heads out thru the wire to get to it. It's less likely they will be able to waste the feed.

Cortunix are grown at 7 weeks. They are ready to lay eggs at 7 weeks and they're ready to process for eating at the same age. If you wait too long the meat will be tough and tasteless. There is a great link on youtube that shows the fastest way to process a quail.

I never provided a nest box before now but they are all laying in the box now. Nobody is sitting on them but at least they're in one spot and I don't have to gather them from all over the place.

If you want eggs all winter you will need to provide them with light for 16 hours a day. You should also cover their cage with something that will keep any draft off of them and somewhat warm. They are nasty little buggars so if you bring them inside you'll have to do alot of clean up.

I've found (the hard way) that cages made out of the 1/2" wire is the best and safest to use. Any larger and critters can get their paws in and kill them. Snakes can get in and have a large meal. I know, it's happened. My cages are made of this wire on all sides. I do have some bob whites in a renovated rabbit hutch but it has the same wire on it.

I hope this helps some. I'm no pro but this works for me. I have to go to bed. I'm seeing double i'm so tired. Good night and good luck
I was told quail meat isn't any tougher or tasteless the older they get? Am I wrong?
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I heard that if you soak the fresh meat overnight in a salt water solution that it tenderizes the meat and it won't be as tough or chewy. Hve not tried it yet, but the next guys will be done this way.
This is TRUE for the most part. It's pretty much i how it's cooked. Fry a 10 month old Bobwhite = tough by most's standards........very tasty, but tough. Take that same fried bird, and put it in a crock pot with a few chosen ingredients............ or steam it in the oven in a covered caserole dish and it can be fall-off-the-bone delicious if cooked right. This applies to most any's all in how you cook it.
so with cortunix, if slaughter begins at 7 wks. what is the age in weeks when they are not tender ?
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The young birds will be more tender, once they've started breeding, at 6-8 weeks, they will get progressivly tougher. As stated here quail don't get teribly tough and it is all in the way they are prepared. I personaly would use any young males (under 10 weeks or so) that are culled for frying and any older birds for stewing, slow cooking, ect. Any bird would most likely be great on the grill. And I would also like to add that they need14 hours of light for laying. I've been doing alot of reseach on them the last few weeks and have a purchase aranged for next spring. Bobwhite and coturnix are a little different in how they are raised so be carefull not to get the facts mixed up. Good luck and have fun.
Thanks everyone. Now as far a culling out some males.......Is there any suggestions on how to choose the ones to keep (best for breeding) or does it matter?

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