New to this! (grit question?)


9 Years
Apr 9, 2010
Im the proud new owner of 3 Buff Orpingtons, about 10 days old. Theyve been in the house for 4 days now (very large cardboard box, heat lamp in one corner). My feed store, where I purchased the chicks, just handed me a 10lb bag of "chicken feed" and told me that was all they needed. It appears to be grit, although how coarse it is in comparison to other grit, Im not sure. The small pieces are sandy, the largest are maybe the size of a sunflower seed (no shell). Is this really all they need?
Also, we play with them several times a day, but they still peep bloody murder when picked up. Any way to get some love?
Grit is important as chickens use their gizzards, crops etc to 'chew' their food as they don't have stomachs like ours. (and they don't have teeth)
We have yet to purchased any grit for our girls BUT it is important.... Chicken food doesn't have it.... and make sure you're feeding your chicks/chickens the food that is age appropriate.....
We haven't gotten any grit becuase in their run we put sand down for dirt baths...... after they demolished all the grass etc we put a few inches of sand all over the run (keeps poo on top, dries out after rain and doesn't leave mud like dirt does) With that being said, they peck and eat some of the sand. They will eat rocks etc (small of course) and when I put a 'treat' in the run inevitably gets covered in sand and they eat it that way too.
I don't know for sure if you're supposed to keep the grit out seperately or sprinkle a little on the food..... (package of grit should tell you)
We haven't had any problems so far. Girls (and their BF) look good and they really like the sand. it's a multi purpose purchased and has worked great!

hope that helps!
grit is basically small stones they store in their helps them grind up food...very different from chick starter(which is actually food) should have a label on it somewhere that tells the ratio of everything (i.e. protein %)
Ummm...maybe someone else will chime in but most likely you have "Chick Starter"...does it say 20% protein on the bag. You should be feeding them an "all in one" for at least the first 10 weeks. From that point, you will be able to have them outside b/c they will have their feathers and then you can switch them to a 16% (Protein) Feed sometimes referred to as "Grower/ Finisher". I like to mix my own feed so I do 16% Layena Feed/ Black Oil Sunflower Seeds/and Mixed Grains(Scratch)...I also give them some oyster shell once in a while...but you won't have to give that until they start to lay. I never have fed "grit" b/c mine always eat plenty of dirt ect....just being outside. Anyway...hope this helps!
Oh yeah...CONGRATS on your new chickies!!! Our buff orps. were kida stand offish until they started laying and then they became SWEETHEARTS!!! They follow us around like dogs and LOVE affection! Oh yeah...and TREATS!!! Have Fun! They GROW FAST!!

You don't want to be feeding you're new babies DIRT so please let us know that you DO have Chick Starter!
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